1/72 Ace Models US V-8 Stake truck m.1936/37

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1/72 Ace Models US V-8 Stake truck m.1936/37

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US V-8 Stake truck m.1936/37 Ford introduced its V-8 in 1932, bringing a big engine to the low-price field. The term 1932 Ford may refer to three models of automobile produced by Ford Motors between 1932 and 1934: the Model B, the Model 18, and the Model 40. These succeeded the Model A. The 18 was the first Ford fitted with the flathead V-8. The three car models were replaced by the Model 48 in 1935 which used the same chassis as its predecessor. The 1937 Ford would be the last to use the old 1932 chassis until 1940 when the car line of Ford was completely redesigned.