1/700 Gold Medal Modern USN / JMSDF Warship Photo Etch Set

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1/700 Gold Medal Modern USN / JMSDF Warship Photo Etch Set

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This detail set includes Railing in several styles including pre-shaped sections for upswept bow; vertical and inclined ladders; flight deck safety nets; special rails, safety nets, and yardarm footrails for Arleigh Burke-class DDs, SH-60 and SH-3 helicopter rotors; details for ships' boats including motor whaleboats, motorboats, and utility boats; yardarm footrails and anemometers; D.F. antennas; special aft missile launcher nets for DDG-2 class ships; bridge window frames in two sizes; fold-to-shape flag bags in two sizes; ECM antennas in several styles; radars including the SPS-6, SPS-8, SPS-10/SPS-67, SPS-12, SPS-29/SPS-37, SPS-40, SPS-43A, SPS-49, and OPS-14B radars; masts and platforms for FF-1052 and FFG-7 class ships, platforms, antenna and mast for Mount Whitney & Blue Ridge-class ships.